Monday, March 26, 2007

Back in the swing of things


After a weekend of recovery, I should be back on the same planet as everyone else but, alas, I do not feel it. I promptly got sick on returning home from Nashville on Thursday. It was a great trip and I am at the moment compiling photos to post for your pleasure. I miss my Spring Break though. I feel entirely unrested and unmotivated, and would just like to take a big, long nap! I know that sounds entirely ungrateful and lazy. I don't understand it anymore than anyone else. I should be buzzing but I am not. Hopefully it will pass. Soon!

DB has finally arrived in the States, for good. He is posted down in NJ and is working away already. No rest for the wicked. Still haven't got to see him but hopefully sometime this week he will make it up to Boston for a few days. The knitting is coming along, slowly but surely. Will be posting pics of it too, got lots done with my socks in Nashville. Also I am really excited because I finally got a pair of cowboy boots while I was down there and they are gorgeous. I know, how cliche, but I love them and i was told by a Texan no less, that they are very authentic and not in the least bit touristy...*grin*


Anonymous said...

im sure your cowboy/girl boots are kick ass no matter how much you paid for them!(: dont worry bout school, youll get back on track soon and i know your DB will be up to you very soon so everything will be so much better in a few days!!

meg said...

ahh that's too bad. i can completely understand you need/want to rest and enjoy time off. hopefully, you'll get some soon.

i can't wait to see your boots. i can verify the authenticity for you - born and raised texan and all!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I want to see the boots too! go take a nap and I'll study up on my Gaelic mo nighean mhaiseach ;)

Emily said...

Can't wait to see the boots! I have no authority on the subject but I'm sure they're very "boot-y" ;-) . And looking forward to all the Nashville pics!
I wouldn't stress the "big long nap" desire; there's something to be said about needing a vacation from your vacation. I usually feel the same. But only a couple months to go, right?! How exciting! And how nice to have the DB so close. As I think we discussed in our "pretend trip" conversation, there's something about being on the same continent (and same side of the country!) to make someone feel so much more accesible.

Emily said...

Wish I could say "accesible" was some cool British spelling of accessible. Sadly it's just me being assable!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a great time and got your self a pair of authentic boots. I guess there and maybe Texas would be the ideal places to get an authentic pair even in at a tourist juncture- lol
- sockret pal

ps. I hope to get a package out to you by the end of this week

Ann said...

Though travelling is fun, it is also exhausting! You really should take a good long nap as Em said.
Look forward to seeing pictures!

Natalie said...

Take care of yourself. Once you have rested you should really take pics of the boots.