Tuesday, June 05, 2007

music blogggggginess

I have been slacking...hardcore. But I swear I have good reason. Life has been so so hectic. And now class has started again, well I am screwed, aren't I? I have however been revamping my myspace page and am really dedicated to keeping it up to date musically. And to help do this (and to add more things for me to screw up and slack off on) I have started blogging on my myspace page aswell, specifially about music. But don't worry, I won't be neglecting here. I have been knitting loads and spinning. Very exciting stuff!! So I put my first myspace blog up here too, just cuz :) oh and you can see my myspace here!! I put up new songs yesterday and I would love you feedback. It is always scary putting your creations up for scrutiny.

And so it begins...
Current mood: optimistic

Well, it is official. At the end of the summer I finish my time at Berklee, leaving with a BMus in Music Production and Engineering, and go out into the big, bad world with no plan whatsoever. All I want to do is make music and so I want to start now as I aim to continue. I want to make my final semester at Berklee one to remember.

I have a lot of plans for these next three months, including recording with producer and friend, Will Knox. I've been working on a lot of new material recently and am excited to put it out into the world and see what kind of response it gets. Gigs are being lined up at the moment, including what will be my last show at Berklee, and will be announced shortly. Rehearsals are being planned. Studio time is being book. I'm excited to say the least.

By putting my ideas and intentions out in the open, I hope to make them more solid than just passing thoughts and dreams. I hope you will check back to see what I have acccomplished since last we spoke and celebrate with me when I realise these plans.

It is going to be one of those summers!


meg said...

wow! all of that is so exciting. i'm super happy for you. what an adventure you have ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

*grin* I totally know what you mean about it always being scary putting your creations up for scrutiny. You are an artist though, and speaking as a non-musician, I'm begging you to please keep on sharing with the world... I need something to listen to while I'm creating, dear one! lol!

Have a great summer- I'll be announcing something shortly to bloggerland...

Emily said...

Glad to hear you're well! It's been quiet out there in the big, bad, blog world hasn't it? Here in NC, I think the heatwave has melted the computer keys to the... er... something that makes it hard to type.
I'm heading over to your myspace right now! Can I listen without a myspace account, I wonder? We shall soon see. I say, rock on with the sharing. Talk about inspiring, you bold, brave girl, you. It warms my cowardly lion's heart ;-).
It's going to be a great summer for you. I can feel it from my nose to my toes! Can't wait to see the knitting and spinning!
Muchos glad you're back!